0.1.21 Changelog

Hi again! Just some minor changes here. I've started adding proper animations and textures to the rift collectables, though they're still not done yet - the main purpose of this update is to fix a couple of bugs. The main one is a discolouration bug, and I didn't want people's first impression of my game to have incorrect colouring.

Oh, I also started experimenting with improving the walking mechanics - I borrowed some of my wall rolling code so that you're less likely to get airtime when walking over bumpy terrain. It's definately broken a few things, and it still needs some refinement.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where the game would be discoloured the first time you boot up the game
  • Fixed bug that let you control the player in the main menu

I'm hoping the next update will be a fairly big one, but it's hard to say right now - I would very much like to move on to version 0.2.X (number go up = good).


In the Heavens 0-1-21.love (Requires LÖVE) 69 MB
62 days ago
In the Heavens 0.1.21 (Latest) 73 MB
62 days ago

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